Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day

Tomorrow (April 29th) is Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day, which celebrates and promotes the art of pinhole photography.

There are loads of events being held throughout the world to promote and encourage people to use pinhole photography and there is a workshop happening on Cockburn Street in Edinburgh between 12 and 4 pm. there, you can create pinhole images using a traditional dark room. Definitely worth a visit!

Or, why not see our pinhole photography exhibit here at Camera Obscura! We have lots of examples of pinhole cameras (and how the photos turn out when you use them) and even a massive pinhole camera which you can walk into so you can see how it all works!

For more information on Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day can be found here.

The information on the event at Cockburn Street can be found here

Why is this man upside down? Go to the event on Cockburn Street or here at Camera Obscura to find out!

Magic – Piff the Magic Dragon

We love magic here at Camera Obscura, and “Piff the Magic Dragon” is one of our favourite performers (closely followed by “Mr. Piffles”!).

We also love the legends that are Penn and Teller, so this clip taken from Pen and Teller’s “Fool Us” is an absolute treat…

What’s more, Piff will also be appearing at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival this August. We can’t wait to see the show!

Is there any magic acts that you are looking forward to during the Fringe festival this year? Let us know in the comments (or let us know of any we don’t know about through Facebook and Twitter)…